These are the Jewish obituaries for day 12/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.
HOLODOVSKY, Carlos L. - En el día de tu segundo aniversario, tu esposa Myriam; tus hijos Débora, Ezequiel, Arnaldo, tus hijos políticos y tus nietos te recuerdan con mucho amor y tu ausencia se siente día a día.
HOLODOVSKY, Charles L. - On the day of your second anniversary, your wife, Miriam, your children Deborah, Ezekiel, Arnaldo, your children and your grandchildren politicians remember you with love and your absence is felt every day.
SCHERB de BERLINSKI, Dina , Z.L. - Sus cuñados Clara y Alberto; sus sobrinos Federico y Sofía, Ruth y Bernardo, Leonardo y Silvina y sus sobrinos nietos acompañan a su familia en este doloroso momento.
Berlinski Scherb, Dina, Z.L. - Clara and Alberto His brothers, his nephews Frederick and Sophia, Ruth and Bernard, Leonardo and Silvina and nephews are with his family at this painful time.
SCHERB de BERLINSKI, Dina Z.L., falleció el 11-11-2011. - Su esposo, sus hijos, sus nueras y sus nietos participan con profundo dolor su fallecimiento. Sus restos serán velados hoy, en Thames 1164, desde donde partirá el cortejo fúnebre, mañana, a las 9, hacia el cementerio de la Tablada, parte nueva.
Berlinski Scherb, Dina ZL, died on 11.11.2011. - Her husband, her children, her daughters and grandchildren involved with deep sorrow his death. His remains will be veiled today, Thames 1164, from where the funeral, tomorrow, at 9, to the cemetery of Tablada, new section.
SCHITTER, Mario , Z.L. - La familia invita a la ceremonia de schloishim, el 13 de noviembre, a las 9.15, en Tablada, hall central, parte vieja.
Schitt, Mario, ZL - The family invites schloishim ceremony on 13 November at 9.15, tables, central hall, old town.