Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 11/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 11/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


GOLDIN, León Guillermo , Z.L., falleció el 9-11-2011. - Los familiares agradecemos a todos quienes nos acompañan en este doloroso momento.
GOLDIN, Leon William, ZL, died on 11.09.2011. - The families thank everyone who joined us in this painful time.

GOLDIN, León Guillermo , fallecio el 9-11-2011. - Darío, Patricia y Mariela Mermelstein y Hugo y Adriana Neufeld acompañan a Adela y sus hijos en este triste momento.
GOLDIN, Leon William, died on 09.11.2011. - Darius and Patricia Mariela Adriana Mermelstein and Hugo and Adela Neufeld and accompany their children at this sad time.

GOLDIN, León Guillermo . - Con profundo dolor y entrañable cariño, en este dificil momento, acompañamos a Adela , Marcos, Martín y Paula. Chiqui y Arturo Goldstein.
GOLDIN, Guillermo León. - With deep sorrow and affectionate love in this difficult time, accompany Adela, Mark, Martin and Paula. Chiqui and Arthur Goldstein.

GOLDIN, León Guillermo . - Adela, Marcos, Martín y Paula estamos con ustedes compartiendo el dolor por la pérdida de vuestro esposo y padre. Los queremos mucho, Carlota, Juliana, Willy, Andrés y Maru.
GOLDIN, Guillermo León. - Adela, Mark, Martin and Paula are with you sharing the grief over the loss of your husband and father. We love you, Charlotte, Juliana, Willy, Andrew and Maru.

GOLDIN, León Guillermo , Z.L., falleció el 9-11-11. - Tu mamá Irma, tu hermana Marcela, tus tías Perla y Sara, tus sobrinos Pablo y Viole y tu primo Roberto te recordaremos siempre con cariño.
GOLDIN, Leon William, ZL, died on 9/11/11. - Your mom Irma, your sister Marcela, your aunts Pearl and Sarah, your nephews Paul and Roberto Viola and your cousin will always remember you fondly.

GOLDIN, León Guillermo , Z.L., falleció el 9-11-2011. - Lamentamos con profundo dolor su fallecimiento y acompañamos con todo nuestro cariño a su esposa Adela, sus hijos y familiares. Gustavo y Mariel Carro.
GOLDIN, Leon William, ZL, died on 11.09.2011. - We regret his death with deep sorrow and accompany it with all our love to his wife Adela, her children and family. Gustavo and Mariel Carro.

GOLDIN, Guillermo , Z.L., falleció el 9-11-2011. - Carlos, Mirta, Diego y Betina Trajtman participan con dolor su fallecimiento y acompañan a su familia en este triste momento.
GOLDIN, William, Z.L., died on 09.11.2011. - Carlos, Mirta, and Betina Diego Trajtman involved with pain and death are with his family at this sad time.

GOLDIN, Guillermo , Z.L., falleció el 9-11-2011. - Susy y Eduardo Grinberg, sus hijos y nietos acompañan a Adela, Marcos, Martín, Paula, Humberto y Elena y a toda la familia Goldstein en este doloroso momento.
GOLDIN, William, Z.L., died on 09.11.2011. - Susy and Eduardo Grinberg, her children and grandchildren accompany Adela, Mark, Martin, Paula, Humberto and Ellen Goldstein and the whole family in this painful time.

GRADOWCZYK, Mario . - Al año de su fallecimiento, su familia invita a una ceremonia a realizarse el domingo 13, a las 10.45, en el cementerio Colinas del Tiempo.
Gradowczyk, Mario. - A year after his death, his family invited to a ceremony to be held on Sunday 13, at 10.45, in the cemetery Hills of Time.

HERSZMAN, Rodrigo , Z.L., falleció el 11-10-2011. - El Centro Comercial e Industrial de Lanús acompaña en su dolor a Mario Dana y su familia, al cumplirse el primer mes de la muerte de su amado nieto, rogando a Dios por el eterno descanso de su alma.
HERSZMAN, Rodrigo, ZL, died on 11.10.2011. - Commercial and Industrial Center Lanus their pain accompanies Mario Dana and his family, upon completion of the first month of the death of his beloved grandson, praying for the repose of his soul.

SCHITTER, Mario , Z.L. - La familia invita a la ceremonia de schloishim, el 13 de noviembre, a las 9.15, en Tablada, hall central, parte vieja.
Schitt, Mario, Z.L. - The family invites schloishim ceremony on 13 November at 9.15, Tablada, central hall, old town.

TOBAL, Emilio , Z.L, falleció el 10-10-2011. - Su familia agradece las expresiones de afecto recibidas e invita a la ceremonia de schloishim que se realizará el domingo 13, a las 10.30, en el cementerio Colinas del Tiempo.
TOBAL, Emilio, Z.L, died on 10.10.2011. - His family appreciates the expressions of affection received and invites schloishim ceremony to be held on Sunday 13 at 10.30 in the cemetery Hills of Time.

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