Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 09/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 09/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


CHORNIK, Leonardo Félix , Z.L., falleció el 4-11-2011. - El directorio de Tipoiti participa su fallecimiento y ruega una oración en su memoria.
CHORNIK, Leonardo Felix, ZL, died on 11.04.2011. - The board of Tipoiti involved death and pray a prayer in his memory.

FAUR, Alberto Oscar , Z.L. - 19 años sin tus sonrisas. Cada día, estás presente en nuestras vidas. Papi, mami, hermanos, cuñada y sobrinos.
FAUR, Alberto Oscar Z.L. - 19 years without your smile. Every day you are present in our lives. Dad, mom, brothers, sister and nephews.

HENDLER, Mariela , Z.L. - Tíos Susy y Ernesto, Silvia y Héctor, primos y primitos te recordamos y extrañamos mucho.
Hendler, Mariela, Z.L. - Guys Susy and Ernesto, Silvia and Hector, cousins ​​and cousins ​​remember and miss you very much.

ORDER de JAIJEL, Fanny . - En tu aniversario de fallecimiento, te extrañamos y recordamos con mucho amor. Tu familia.
ORDER of JAIJEL, Fanny. - On your anniversary of death, we miss you and remember with love. Your family.

WAINGORTIN, Rosa Fleiderman de , Z.L., falleció el 7-11- 2011. - La dirección de la Escuela Martín Buber y todo el personal participan con tristeza su fallecimiento y acompañan con profundo dolor a su hijo Oscar y familia.
WAINGORTIN, Rosa Fleiderman of, ZL, died 7-11 - 2011. - The direction of Martin Buber School and all staff involved with sorrow his death with deep sorrow and accompany his son Oscar and family.

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