Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 01/11/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 01/11/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


BENFIELD de LEBENSOHN, Eíleen Mónica , Z.L., falleció 1- 10-2004. - Guardamos en nuestro corazón y nuestros pensamientos los maravillosos momentos que nos dejaste como legado. Tu esposo, hijos, nietos y bisnietos.
Lebensohn Benfield, Monica Eileen, ZL, died 1 - 10-2004. - We keep in our hearts and our thoughts the wonderful moments that left us a legacy. Your spouse, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

EMANUELE, Susana Ridilenir de , Z.L. - Maped Argentina S.A. participa con pesar su fallecimiento, acompaña a su familia por tan irreparable pérdida y ruega una oración a su memoria.
EMANUELE, Susana Ridilenir of, Z.L. - Maped Argentina SA involved with regret his death, his family accompanies such an irreparable loss and pray a prayer to his memory.

LADILLINSKY, Marta Rosa . En el 65 aniversario de tu nacimiento, estás viva en nuestros corazones. Con amor profundo, tus hijas Eleonora y Verónica y tu nieta Martita.
LADILLINSKY, Marta Rosa. In the 65 th anniversary of your birth, you're alive in our hearts. With deep love, your daughters Eleonora and your granddaughter Veronica and Martha.

STAMBLER de FLEISCHER, Esther , Z.L., falleció el 30-10- 2011. - Mauro Leiser y familia acompañan a Natalio, a su hijo Ricardo e hijos en este momento de dolor.
Stambler Fleischer, Esther, ZL, died 30-10 - 2011. - Mauro Leiser and Natalio accompanying family, his son Richard and children in this time of sorrow.

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