These are the Jewish obituaries for day 31/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.
MELNITZKY, Daniel Alejandro . En el día del aniversario de tu fallecimiento, te extrañamos y recordamos con mucho amor como siempre. Tu madre, esposa, hijos y hermanos.
MELNITZKY, Daniel Alexander. On the day of the anniversary of your death, we miss you and remember with love as always. Your mother, wife, children and siblings.
PASCCON, Graciela (Vicky) . - En el día que hubiera cumplido 66 años, la recuerdan con amor su esposo, hijos y nietos.
PASCCON, Graciela (Vicky). - On the day had been 66 years, is remembered with love her husband, children and grandchildren.