Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 29/10/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 29/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


CHERTCOFF, Rosa Gañez de , falleció el 28-10-2011. - Sus hijos Felipe Julio y Ricardo, sus hijas políticas Isabel y Gladis; sus nietos Nicolás, Martín, Aníbal, Verónica y Ezequiel, sus nietas políticas y bisnietos participan su fallecimiento e invitan a acompañar sus restos hoy, a las 9, al cementerio de Chacarita, desde c/v, Quito 3779, Salón Monet.
CHERTCOFF, Rosa Gañez of, died on 10.28.2011. - His sons Julio and Ricardo Felipe, his daughters Elizabeth and Gladys policies, his grandchildren Nicholas, Martin, Hannibal, Veronica and Ezekiel, his granddaughters and great-grandchildren participating policies and invite death to accompany his remains today, at 9, the cemetery Chacarita, from c / v, Quito 3779, Monet Salon.

GOLODNY, Juana Schvartzberg de , Z.L. - José R. Salem acompaña a su querido amigo Julio y familia en este momento.
GOLODNY, Juana Schvartzberg of, Z.L. - Joseph R. Salem accompanies your beloved friend Julio and family at this time.

GOLODNY, Sara Schvartzberg de , Z.L., falleció el 26-10-2011. - Eduardo y Gloria Gubbay, Susana y Miguel Rybak, Laura y Lito Cohen Sabban participan su fallecimiento y ruegan una oración en su memoria.
GOLODNY, Sara Schvartzberg of, ZL, died on 26.10.2011. - Eduardo and Gloria Gubbay, Susan and Michael Rybak, and Lito Laura Cohen Sabban involved his death and pray a prayer in his memory.

GROSMAN, Ana P. de (Anita) , Z.L. - Su hija, nietos y bisnietos invitan al schloishim a realizarse el domingo 6 de noviembre, 10.30 hs., en el Cem. Tablada, parte nueva, en el hall central.
GROSMAN, Ana P. of (Anita), ZL - Your daughter and grandchildren invite schloishim to be held on Sunday November 6, 10:30 pm., in the Cem. Boards, and some new, in the central hall.

TEUBAL, Neville , Z.L., q.e.p.d. - Lo despiden con cariño sus cuñados y cuñadas, Alberto Barchilon, Ester Barchilon, Liliana Barchilon Meyer, Johny Meyer, Ariel Barchilon y sus sobrinas, Kendra Langlie, Sonia Barchilon, Dafna Barchilon y Alegría Barchilon.
Teubal, Neville, Z.L., q.e.p.d. - With his brothers and sisters love, Alberto Barchilon, Ester Barchilon, Liliana Barchilon Meyer, Johnny Meyer, Ariel Barchilon and nieces, Kendra Langlie, Sonia Barchilon, Dafna Barchilon Barchilon and Joy.

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