Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 27/10/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 27/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


CANTAROVICI, David , Z.L., falleció el 25-10-2011. - El consorcio de propietarios Arribeños 1599 acompaña a su familia en este triste momento.
CANTAROVICI, David, ZL, died on 10.25.2011. - The consortium of owners Arribeños 1599 accompanying his family at this sad time.

PORTNOY, Mario Ernesto, profesor Dr. , q.e.p.d., falleció el 26- 10-2011. - Su esposa, Dra. Susana Likerman de Portnoy, sus hijos Liliana y Marcelo, su hija política Tal, sus nietos Imanuel y Ori Portnoy y David y Matías Grynberg Portnoy participan su fallecimiento e invitan a acompañar sus restos al cementerio Colinas del Tiempo, hoy, a las 10, desde sala velatoria sita en Av. Pavón 4387, Capital. - Exequias LA ITALO ARGENTINA, 4922- 5250.
Portnoy, Mario Ernesto, Professor Dr., RIP, died 26 - 10-2011. - His wife, Dr. Suzanne Portnoy Likerman, Marcelo Liliana and her children, her daughter-Tal, Imanuel and Ori grandchildren David and Matthew Portnoy and Portnoy Grynberg death and invite participants to accompany his remains to the cemetery Hills Weather today , at 10, from viewing room located at Av Pavón 4387, Capital. - Funeral THE ITALO ARGENTINA, 4922-5250.

SERESEVSKY, Rafael (Rafi) , Z.L. - Víctor y Rosita Cohen Sabban, hijos y nietos participan su fallecimiento y elevan una oración en su memoria.
SERESEVSKY, Rafael (Rafi), ZL - Victor and Faye Cohen Sabban, children and grandchildren participate and raise his death sentence in his memory.

SERESEVSKY, Rafael (Rafi) , Z.L. - Moisés y Verónica Yellati despiden a su primo, acompañan con afecto a su familia y ruegan una oración en su memoria.
SERESEVSKY, Rafael (Rafi), ZL - Moses and Veronica Yellati goodbye to his cousin, affectionately attached to his family and pray a prayer in his memory.

SURASKI, César (Cacho) . - En el día que hubiese sido tu cumpleaños, te recordamos y celebramos lo que sería el aniversario de un gran y amado ser humano, una persona única. Tu Familia.
Suraski, Cesar (Cacho). - Today would have been your birthday, we remember and celebrate what would be the anniversary of a great and loving human being, a unique person. Your Family.

TEUBAL, Miguel Neville , Z.L., falleció el 26-10-2011. - Su esposa Gladis; sus hijos Violeta, Gilda, Nicolás, Leonardo, Darío y Glenda participan con profundo dolor su fallecimiento. C/v: Av. Córdoba 3677, de 8 a 14 hs. - Córdoba Velatorios, 4862-8177.
Teubal, Michael Neville, ZL, died on 10.26.2011. - His wife Gladys, his children Violet, Gilda, Nicholas Leonardo, Darius and Glenda involved with deep sorrow his death. C / v: Av Cordoba 3677, from 8 to 14 hours. - Wake Córdoba, 4862-8177.

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