These are the Jewish obituaries for day 25/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.
BURAK, Mayer Israel , Z.L., falleció el 23-10-2009. - A 2 años de tu partida, te recordamos tus hijos, nueras, nietos y Liliana.
BURAK, Mayer Israel, ZL, died on 23-10-2009. - A 2 years of your departure, you remember your children, daughters, grandchildren and Liliana.
HAKIM, Daniel Roberto , Z.L., falleció el 23-10-2011. - Tus tíos Alberto, Paulina Hakim y familia acompañan con dolor a tu madre Diana, hermanos y familiares en tan triste momento.
HAKIM, Daniel Robert, ZL, died on 23.10.2011. - Your uncle Alberto, Paulina Hakim and family accompanied by pain your mother Diane, brothers and family in this sad time.
ICKOWICZ, Rosa , Z.L., falleció el 22-10-2011. - Gladys y Alberto Cheja despiden con profundo dolor a Rosita y acompañan en este difícil momento a Mauricio y Sergio Cheja.
Ickowicz, Rosa, ZL, died on 10.22.2011. - Gladys and Albert Cheikh fired with deep pain and accompanying Rosita at this difficult time and Sergio Mauricio Cheikh.
ICKOWICZ, Rosa , Z.L., falleció el 22-10-2011. - El personal de Slim Center acompaña a Mauricio Cheja en este difícil momento.
Ickowicz, Rosa, ZL, died on 10.22.2011. - Slim Center staff accompanies Cheikh Mauritius at this difficult time.
JACUBOVICH, Abel R., Esc. , 25-10-50 - 21-12-2010. - Querido Abel: el dolor de no tenerte físicamente con nosotros no nos impide honrar esta fecha, en la que hace 61 años nacía un gran hombre. Estás en nuestros corazones. Tu familia.
Jacubovich, Abel R., Esc, 25/10/50 - 21/12/2010. - Dear Abel: the pain of not having you with us physically not prevent us from honoring this date, which was born 61 years ago a great man. You are in our hearts. Your family.
LASER de KURKIS, Golda (Olga) . - Acompañamos en este difícil momento a Viviana Kurkis de Goldberg y familia. Los empleados de Farmacias UOM.
LASER KURKIS, Golda (Olga). - We support in this difficult time Kurkis Viviana Goldberg and family. Pharmacy employees UOM.
LASER de KURKIS, Golda (Olga) . - La despiden con gran cariño. Javier Goldberg y familia.
LASER KURKIS, Golda (Olga). - The fired with great fondness. Javier Goldberg and family.
SERESEVSKY, Rafael (Rafi) , Z.L. - Natalio y Rosita Cohen Sabban, hijos, nietos y bisnietos participan su fallecimiento y ruegan una oración en su memoria.
SERESEVSKY, Rafael (Rafi), ZL - Natalio and Faye Cohen Sabban, children and grandchildren involved his death and pray a prayer in his memory.
TYBERG, Germán , falleció el 23-10-2011. - Tu nieto Ari y sus hermanos Andy y Pauli, tu yerno Dany y tu consuegra Emma te recuerdan con mucho amor.
TYBERG, Herman, died on 23.10.2011. - Your grandson Ari and his brothers Andy and Pauli, your son and your consuegra Emma Dany remember you with love.