These are the Jewish obituaries for day 23/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.
POCZTER, Alberto , Z.L., falleció el 20-10-2011. - Con profundo dolor despidieron sus restos su esposa Rosita; sus hijos Adriana, Mario y Andrea y sus nietas Ludmila y Leia.
Poczta, Alberto, ZL, died on 20.10.2011. - With deep sorrow fired his remains his wife Rosita, her children Adriana, Mario and his grandchildren Andrea and Ludmila and Leia.
ROSMAN, Zoe Yael , falleció el 21-10-2011. - Tus abuelos Edo y Perla Rosman te recordaremos toda la vida y agradecemos el haber podido estar junto a vos y disfrutar esos momentos únicos. Te queremos y siempre estaremos a tu lado.
Rosman, Zoe Yael, died on 21.10.2011. - Your grandparents Edo and Pearl Rosman remember you and appreciate life to have been able to be with you and enjoy those moments. We love you and always be by your side.
ROSMAN, Zoe , Z.L., falleció el 21-10-2011. - Ese último latido de tu corazón se metió dentro del mío. Vivirás siempre en mí. I love you. Papá.
Rosman, Zoe, ZL, died on 21.10.2011. - That last beat of your heart went into the mine. Always live in me. I love you. Dad.
SALEM, Rahmoun , Z.L., 27-9- 2002. - Siempre tuviste buen estado de ánimo y una gran sonrisa. Te recuerdan con cariño tus hijos Eduardo, Beba y Fito.
SALEM, Rahmoun, ZL, 27-9 - 2002. - You always had good morale and a big smile. I fondly remember your sons Eduardo, Drink and Fito.
TOBAL, Emilio , Z.L, falleció el 10-10-2011. - Su familia invita al darush que se realizará en su memoria el miércoles 26, a las 19.30, en el templo Amijai, Arribeños 2355.
TOBAL, Emilio, ZL, died on 10.10.2011. - His family invites darush to be held in his memory on Wednesday 26 at 19.30 in the temple Amichai, Arribeños 2355.