Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 22/10/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 22/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


BROSTO, Miguel , Z.L., falleció el 20-10-2011. - Despido con todo mi amor a un gran hombre. Diana.
Brost, Michael, ZL, died on 20.10.2011. - Dismissal with all my love to a great man. Diana.

BROSTO, Miguel , Z.L. - José, Jacqueline, Valeria y José María despiden al querido Miky.
Brost, Michael, ZL - Joseph, Jacqueline, and Jose Maria Valeria goodbye to dear Miky.

BROSTO, Miguel (Micky), Dr. , Z.L., Fall. 20-10-2011. - La comisión directiva del Circulo Médico de Vicente López comunica el fallecimiento de su querido secretario.
Brost, Michael (Micky), Dr., ZL, Fall. 10/20/2011. - The executive committee of the Medical Circle Vicente Lopez announced the death of his beloved secretary.

BROSTO, Miguel (Micky) , Z.L. Acompañamos a Astrid y su familia en este triste momento, sus amigas Euge, Kari, Pachu, Marie, Maru, Clau, Lau, Vale S., Eli y Car.
Brost, Michael (Micky), ZL accompany Astrid and her family at this sad time, her friends Eugene, Kari, Pachuca, Marie, Maru, Clau, Lau, Vale S., Eli and Car

CHAAB, Jack , Z.L. - Kuki y Judith acompañan con pesar en este momento de dolor a Jorge y Nenu.
Chaab, Jack, ZL - Kuki and Judith accompanied with regret at this time of pain and Nenu Jorge.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo , falleció el 17-10-2011. - Administración Beatriz Raquel Barsky acompaña a su familia en este momento de profundo dolor.
Mandelbaum, Bernard, died on 17.10.2011. - Raquel Beatriz Barsky Administration accompanies your family in this time of grief.

POCZTER, Alberto , Z.L., falleció el 20-10-2011. - Acompañamos a Rosita y sus hijos en su tremendo dolor. Sus amigos Cacho y Mita, Coco y Julia y Santiago y Silvia.
Poczta, Alberto, ZL, died on 20.10.2011. - Rosita and accompany their children in tremendous pain. His friends Cacho and Mita, Coco and Julia and James and Silvia.

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