Jewish Obituaries in Argentina

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Jewish Obituaries for day 18/10/2011

These are the Jewish obituaries for day 18/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.


KALIMAN, Samuel , Z.L., falleció el 16-10-2011. - Su hermana Raquel Kaliman de Iurcovich, sus hijos, nietos y bisnietos participan con profundo dolor su fallecimiento y acompañan a su familia en este tan triste momento. Sus restos serán inhumados hoy, a las 14.30, en el cementerio Colinas del Tiempo.
Kalima, Samuel, ZL, died on 10.16.2011. - Her sister Raquel Kaliman of Iurcovich, her children and grandchildren involved with deep sorrow and death are with his family at this sad time. His remains will be buried today at 14.30, in the cemetery Hills of Time.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo , Z.L., falleció el 17-10-2011. - Marcos Lipovetzky y su esposa Mirta, junto con sus hijos Paola, Romina, Mariela y Matías; sus yernos Hernán, Gabriel y Adrián, su nuera Johanna y sus nietos Santiago, Martina, Sofía, Stephani, Dan, Orly, Hannah, Aron y Benjamín acompañan a su familia en este momento de profundo dolor.
Mandelbaum, Bernard, ZL, died on 17.10.2011. - Mark and his wife Mirta Lipovetzky, Paola with her children, Romina, Mariela and Matthias, his sons Ernie, Gabriel and Adrian, his daughter Johanna and her grandchildren James, Martina, Sofia, Stephani, Dan, Orly, Hannah, Aaron and Benjamin accompany his family in this time of grief.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo , Z.L. Estudio Berdichevsky & Asociados participa con profundo dolor su fallecimiento y ruega una oración en su memoria.
Mandelbaum, Bernard, ZL Study Berdichevsky & Associates participates with deep sorrow his passing and pray a prayer in his memory.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo , Z.L. Lamentamos la pérdída de nuestro querido primo Lito y acompañamos, desde Tucumán, a su familia en el dolor. Carlos Fligman y familia.
Mandelbaum, Bernard, ZL mourn the loss of our dear cousin and accompany Lito, from Tucuman, her family in pain. Carlos Fligman and family.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo , falleció el 17-10-2011. - El personal de Mc Luhan acompaña a su familia. Sus restos serán velados hoy, hasta las 12.45, en Av. Córdoba 5084, CABA.
Mandelbaum, Bernard, died on 17.10.2011. - McLuhan staff accompanies his family. His remains will be veiled today, until 12.45, at Avenida Córdoba 5084, CABA.

MANDELBAUM, Bernardo (Lito) , Z.L., falleció el 17-10-2011. - Acompañamos a la familia en su gran pérdida y rogamos una oración a la memoria de nuestro querido amigo. Viviana y Luis Goldberg.
Mandelbaum, Bernard (Lito), ZL, died on 17.10.2011. - Accompany the family in their great loss and pray a prayer to the memory of our dear friend. Viviana and Louis Goldberg.

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