These are the Jewish obituaries for day 12/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.
MASRI, Julio (Tito) , Z.L, falleció el 13-10-2006. - Al cumplirse 5 años de tu partida, estarás por siempre en cada momento de nuestras vidas acompañando y viendo el crecimiento de la familia desde tu mirada eterna y tu ejemplo. Con todo el amor del mundo, te recuerdan por siempre tu esposa, hijos, yerno, nietos y bisnietos.
MASRI, Julio (Tito), ZL, died on 13.10.2006. - Upon completion of 5 years of your departure, you will be forever in every moment of our lives and seeing accompanying the growth of your eyes eternal family and your example. With all the love in the world, forever remind you of your wife, children, son, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
RAIMAN, Laura, Dra. - Te recordamos. Tu familia y amigos.
RAIM, Laura, Dr. - I remember. Your family and friends.
ROITMAN, Abraham (Tito) , falleció el 12-10-2010. - A un año de tu partida, te recordamos con amor. Siempre estás con nosotros. Tu familia.
ROITMAN, Abraham (Tito), died on 10.12.2010. - A year of your departure, we remember you with love. You are always with us. Your family.
SLONINSKY, Teodoro, Dr. , Z.L. falleció el 12-10-94. - Lo recordamos con amor y valoración. Su esposa, hijos y nietos.
SLONINSKY, Theodore, Dr., ZL died on 10/12/94. - We remember with love and appreciation. His wife, children and grandchildren.
TOBAL, Emilio , falleció el 10- 10-2011. - Cholita y Tito Kizon despiden con mucha tristeza a su amigo de toda la vida y acompañan a su familia en estos momentos de dolor.
TOBAL, Emilio, died 10 - 10-2011. - Tito Kizon Cholita and fired with great sadness to his lifelong friend and accompany his family in this time of sorrow.
TOBAL, Emilio , Z. L. - Ester y Jaime Saleem acompañan a Susy y toda su familia en este doloroso momento.
TOBAL, Emilio, ZL - Esther and Jaime Susy accompany Saleem and his family at this sad time.