These are the Jewish obituaries for day 11/10/2011 published in the argentinean newspaper "LA NACION".
They are listed in spanish, as they are originally published. Below each Jewish obituary you will find an english autotranslation provided by google.
ACRICH, Susana A. de . - Manuel, Beatriz y Alcira Otero Castro acompañan a Fernando y familia en este doloroso momento.
Acriche, Susana A. of. - Manuel, Beatriz Otero Alcira Castro and Fernando accompany and family at this painful time.
ACRICH, Susana A. de . - Elías Saal y familia acompañan a su gran amigo Fernando y familia en este momento de dolor.
Acriche, Susana A. of. - Elias Saal and family accompany his friend Fernando and family in this time of sorrow.
KLASSE, Isay , Z.L., Fall. el 10- 10-2011. - Lila y Ernesto Weinschelbaum despiden con dolor al viejo y querido amigo y ruegan una oración en su memoria.
KLASSE, Isay, ZL, Fall. on 10 - 10-2011. - Ernesto Weinschelbaum Lila and painful goodbye to dear old friend and pray a prayer in his memory.
SCHITTER, Mario , falleció el 10-10-2011. - El Grupo de los Lunes acompaña a Elizabeth y a Manuel en su dolor.
Schitt, Mario, died on 10.10.2011. - The Group of Monday accompanied Elizabeth and Manuel in his pain.